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Gaudí Prize of Poetry and Short Narrative 2003


Sagradia Familia

By Marilyn Oliver

Standing proud, reaching high into the sky
A masterpiece construction.
Revealing images to astound,
Complex shapes and angles that convey
True dedication to the cause.
A union of style - in nature -in deity
Inside a mind of a genius. Gaudi

Standing proud, reaching high into the sky
Stately, standing tall.
Images of wonder
Enchanting, mystery unfolding all around.
Intrigue of expectation to surprise round every corner
Amazement and emotion that overfill the mind.
A tribute of beauty to the Lord.

Standing proud, reaching high into the sky
Forms from nature, twists and turns,
Gentle movement safe within great strength.
Imagination and creation borne from gifted spirit. Gaudi.
Inspiration given in praise to behold.
In monument to His name.
Standing proud, reaching high into the sky.

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