· The 13th of May is the closing of the beatifying process of Antoni Gaudí, which was started in Barcelona

· The decision of making Gaudí a Saint depends, from now on, on the Roman Vatican Curia

Barcelona, 12th of May, 2003.- The most excellent Cardinal Archbishop Ricard Maria Carles i Gordó will close tomorrow Tuesday, the 12.30 hours of the 13th of May the process carried out in Barcelona by the diocesan tribunal to beatify the architect Antoni Gaudí.

The event will take place in the Throne Hall of the Archiepiscopal Palace of Barcelona, in the Bishop street number 5, beside the Cathedral, finishing thus the first three-year period of research. At the end of that, the "Pro-Beatifying Gaudí Association", will submit the acts of the process to the Vatican Congregation for the cause of saints. From this moment, the measures move to Rome, where several members of the Vatican will decide opportunely.

The beatifying process was started the 12th of April, 2000 and has lasted for more than three years in which the "Pro-Beatifying Gaudí Association", several priests and the Archbishophric of Barcelona have compiled the information so as to fulfil the requirements demanded by the Vatican in this kind of sacred negotiations.

Gaudí, apart from being a faithful believer, possesses a work considered the "Work of God" because of its high mystic and spiritual meaning, parting from his great project for the Sagrada Familia Temple. Because of this and other reasons, three years ago the steps to convert him a Saint were started.

From the Gaudí & Barcelona Club we invite you to this solemn act which is a doubtless landmark in the history of Gaudí.

PLACE: The Archbishop's Palace of Barcelona, Bishop street nº 5.
HOUR: 12,30 hours
PURPOSE: Closing of the Beatifying process in Barcelona and the submitting of the acts to the Vatican Congregation

For further information:

Gaudí & Barcelona Club
Tel.: 93 415 25 66