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These photographs are courtesy of the Sagrada Familia Temple Building Committee


The Movement of the Schools (2002)

Recently, the construction on the outer walls of the Sagrada Familia reached the School, and one of its corners had to be cut. As this building prevented the Temple works going on, it was necessary to envisage possible solutions to that problem.

During the 1998 International Conference of Gaudinist Studies, that took place in Reus, the Dr. Architect and professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Josep Mª Adell, presented a shift relocation and restoration project of the Gaudí Parish Schools, to prevent their demolition. At first, his proposal was accepted, but last year the Sagrada Familia Building Committee finally decided that it was not feasible. Adell proposed to convert the building into a boat, digging a concrete channel filled with water and moving thus the schools.

Finally, the good results obtained with research, and the experience of a full size faithful replica, using craftsman methods, that was being being built in Badalona by the Gaudí Institute of Construction, enabled to prepare a restoration and moving project to recover mostly of Gaudí's original project, very disfigured in successive rebuildings.

The present location has changed, by means of displacing the building some 30 metres and turning it, its original position. With the aid of cranes, the best preserved entire sections up to 14 tons., have been moved, such as the hall and angles where the latrines originally stood. Also the original pediments and even the floor stones and the flowerpots that surrounded the school. Even 5000 contemporary original bricks have recovered from the closing wall of the Temple precinct, that have been cleaned to be employed in their corresponding place together with the original ones. The interior has recovered the original open timber beams and winding walls that the architect Quintana covered with partitions. Outside, the original gargoyles, since disappeared, have been rebuilt thanks to the photographical documentation.

Now the building is shown as built by Gaudí, with the guarantee that it shall maintain the original building methods and technology.
Since the moving of the Sagrada Familia parish schools they house the museum didactical room, where a documentary film about the building history can be seen, and a replica of Gaudí's workshop. The original models, drawings and explanations of the geometrical forms that the artist incorporated into architecture such as: conoids, hyperboloids, ellipsoids, paraboloids, shall be exposed here. They will serve as a didactical description of the architect's project and only the very models and objects employed by Gaudí shall be used in it.

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