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JUNE 2004
Site Report
Apse stairways
Passion Façade
Transept and crossbeam
Vaults and covering of the central nave
Gloria Façade
Mold makers atelier
Technical office
The near future


Jordi Bonet
Apse stairways
Gloria Façade
Passion Façade
The Mercè Cloister
Interior of the Temple
Vaults and covering
Architectural elements
Big windows
Venecian Mosaic
Views of BCN



Sagrada Familia
Estado de las obras: Junio 2004 - Fotos

Jordi Bonet explains the progress of the construction works
View of the apse. The stone production –Pinnacles and buttresses- was built first.   Pinnacles of the apse. At the bottom of the image we see the frameworks of the columns
Apse stairways
lots of scaffolds, the new and old work live together


Gloria Façade

Gloria Façade.
Prefabricated elements
Main door of the Gloria Façade. It is 9 meters in height and 6 meters in width.
Main door of the Gloria Façade, from the interior of the Temple

Place at the entrance of the Gloria façade where one of the two ascending spiral staircases will be built


Columns of the Gloria Façade



The Jube is also being worked on, over the portals of the Gloria façade

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