The Catalan Association of
Lacework makers


The Catalan Association of Lacework makers was founded in 1988 and since then it has grown ceaselessly, until reaching the present 4000 members. It pretends to update the lacework as an integrating part of the contemporary decorative arts, but without ignoring, however, the rich preceeding tradition, paying special attention to the maintaining and transmitting of the memory of the magnificient legacy of lacework.

Through the organising of courses, lectures and social gatherings, the publishing of a bulletin, the technical and artistical advice and the programming of other activities, the Association has been consolidated as a reference in the diffusion and information of this profession, which has become an art.

“Impresiones de la Sagrada Família” is an attempt to reduce the monumental Temple scheme to it’s principal forms after Gaudí’s sketches and to translate it into bobbin lace. The lacework is mounted on a gneiss plate, without being altered, in order to symbolize the connection of Gaudí and Nature; of architecture and lace.



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